Located at 3915 34th St NE, Calgary, Bethel Bible Institute is an affiliate of Parkersburg Bible College, West Virginia, USA. We are a non-profit bible college that offers accredited subjects or the option to take online courses through Parkersburg Bible…
The Showers of Blessings Skills Register is a free, member-only accessible database that aims to match the experience and skills of members with the service needs of the Church and the wider community. Download our Skills Registry Form
We believe that to become a member of a church is to formally commit oneself to an identifiable, local body of believers who have joined together for specific, divinely ordained purposes. These purposes include, receiving instruction from God’s Word (1…
As part of our focus on children, we also provide support to families interested in dedicating their children. All Child Dedication Requests should be booked through the Church office. EMAIL US:
All requests are taken and we pray the prayer of faith so that you can experience the mighty hand of God in your life. Submit your prayer request: