
Bible Study

Study to stew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15).

Our weekly Bible study sessions, held each Thursday at 8 p.m. (Zoom and Facebook) are designed to support greater knowledge and understanding of the word of God. We believe that as we examine and get to know the written word (the Bible), we are drawn into a deeper relationship, where we get to know the Living Word (Jesus Christ). This helps us to internalise His precepts and enables us to live them out for His glory and our benefit.

Contact us for information about Bible Study.

Child Dedication

At Showers of Blessings Apostolic Church, we welcome and are pleased to support families with the dedication (christening) of their children, in line with the word of God.

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward (Psalm 127:3).

To make arrangements for the dedication of a child, we invite parents to connect with the Church Office.

Need Prayer

In the Bible, we are reminded to 

Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

Jesus provided us with perfect examples of compassion for those who are distressed and disheartened. The chief of these examples was His ultimate sacrifice on the cross for our sins. We are committed to following His example by caring, loving and serving each other. 

One of the many ways in which we can support you is by praying with and for you. If you have a need for prayer, please contact us. If you would like someone to contact you, please provide your name and contact information.

Please submit your request for prayer by filling out the form:

Small Group Prayer Meetings

Have you considered joining a small group to pray? Since 2020, Showers of Blessings Apostolic has launched quadrant-based prayer groups within the city of Calgary. These groups meet online each week and we have a place for you!

To be connected with a small group prayer meeting, contact the Church Office.

Outreach Ministry

The Outreach team serves the needs of members of the community and also willingly shares the word of God with those they serve. 

Some of our partners include Sonshine Community Services, the Monterey Place and Forest Grove Nursing Homes, Calgary Drop-In, the Mustard Seed and Calgary Urban Projects Society.

This Ministry has also led international missions to Guyana, Jamaica and India with involvement in ministering the word of God, providing basic food items and clothing and actively engaging in on-the ground infratsructure projects.

In 2020, the Outreach Ministry benefitted from a grant through the Community Food Centres Canada under the Good Food Access Fund which has allowed it to increase its capacity to meet the basic food needs of families impacted by COVID-19.

Connect with the Outreach Ministry for information and assistance.

Bethel Bible Institute

At Showers of Blessings Church, we host the Bethel Bible Institute which allows students to take online courses through Parkersburg Bible College.

The mission of the Bible Institute is to educate Christians about the fundamentals of our belief. Some of the key courses are Monotheism and Principles of the Doctrine.

If you are interested in the Bible Institute, please direct queries to

Parkersburg Bible College

Tel: 304-485-6653

Skills Register

The Showers of Blessings Church Skills Register is a free, member-only accessible database that aims to match the experience and skills of our members with the service needs of the community. The Church recognizes that members possess valuable skills which are often unknown and under-utilized and has developed this database to support increase awareness of available resources and improved access to services, where required. 

The Church provides no assurance whatsoever as the the credibility of individuals or the accuracy of information listed in the Register, including assertions about skills, qualifications or expertise. It is the sole responsibility of persons or organizations who wish to use the Skills Register to provide accurate information about their skills and interests, locate required skills and to independently verify the identity and capacity of individuals listed on the Register.



  1. Registration is free
  2. Registration is open to all members of Showers of Blessings Apostolic Church who are 16 years and over.
  3. Information provided may be updated by contacting the administrator.